Kubes kubernetes update#
The speed at which you constantly update your application and deploy it’s new features to the users. Let‘s discuss the major benefits of using containers and a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes. Kubernetes provides relevant services to achieve all of this for your containerized application. Since these services are accessed from all around the world, they should be scalable as well, without a radical redesign of the existing system.

We are using these exposed APIs on a daily basis, all around the globe, these systems should be highly reliable and available, ie they cannot fail and should not have any downtime. Load is balanced and horizontal scalability is achieved by making systems distributed like these. Gone are the days we used to simply deploy an application in one VM and used to point a DNS to it. These are delivered via distribution systems running on multiple servers and configurations in various locations all coordinating their actions via network communication. To elaborate further, in modern architectures, huge number of services are delivered over the network via APIs. So what does Kubernetes do? Well to put it simply, it provides tools necessary to build and deploy reliable, scalable distributed applications. Kubernetes was originally developed by Google, based on their learnings from Borg and Omega Projects, which Google uses to deploy and scale their internal applications (e.g: GMail, YouTube etc). Kubernetes is an open source orchestrator for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale.